Le coucou de Gutenberg

la structure interne de la Terre

J’ai toujours trouvé qu’on pourrait aspirer le jus chaud du noyau de la Terre avec une longue paille… mais que de problèmes d’ingénierie pour y parvenir, surtout quand l’ambition et la corruption mêlent les cartes! Continuer la lecture

« Kuiper Pancake » published in Analog Science Fiction & Fact

Analog cover

Kuiper Pancake, my chocolate-hard SF short-story, is now out in the May-June issue of ANALOG ! I am proud of this, because this is one of my most fun, but still science-based stories, ever!  And, yes, another food-sounding title after Rare… Continuer la lecture

5 Hard and Crunchy SF Tales

Background Deposit Photos

Welcome to the Big Bang Bar, where the playground of the ultra-rich spans whole solar systems. Follow a cyber-butterfly soaring over the scarred Earth, with strings attached! Watch a proud woman stranded in the pitiless Martian desert find her way out — or die trying. Discover why an alien ship must keep eternally shifting its parts. Or would you prefer to jump a few billions years forward to witness the end of our universe?
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