When Words Collide… Ideas Collide, Too!

A host of new books covering the coffee table!

The When Words Collide convention in Calgary from August 16 to 18, provided a golden occasion to see old friends again and meet new writers and readers! Continuer la lecture

The Discoverability of Short-story Collections

My Science fiction Collections

I came to SF by reading the short-stories collections on my father’s bookshelves. A short-story was an open window on an author’s style, favorite themes and personal voice. It eventually guided me towards their longer works. A lot of years and life choices later, I have become a mainly-SF writer myself, putting up my own collections. Continuer la lecture

Adalou vient d’atterrir à Mississauga!

Adalou arrivée à bon port!

Adalou, la Maîtresse des vents vient d’atterrir à ma table. La BD de 92 pages met en scène la jeune Adalou qui veut devenir guide de cerf-volant, un sport aussi prestigieux chez les Jardiniers que le hockey ou le baseball ici. #sciencefiction Continuer la lecture